Jennifer’s Birth Story

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Jennifer’s Birth Story


Jennifer’s Birth Story – When labor began, I was 37+ weeks. The parents had arrived the Friday before the delivery, and we shared a close bond. As they awaited delivery in the next room, I was resting in the hospital bed. Feeling relaxed and engaged in conversations with my children. There was a flutter of nerves yet excitement, as we all were excited to meet the little one I had carried for so long. I experienced a planned induction, and on July 15 at precisely 12:04 PM, their baby was born, the parents were over the moon with joy!


My son and his girlfriend supported me in the delivery room. The hospital staff’s care was good, though there were a lot of questions. My children were my pillars of strength through the delivery. My mind was solely focused on the need to push, and I did have a great music playlist! I opted for a natural delivery, so while it was indeed painful, the reward was immeasurable.

Though the birth did not go exactly as expected, I pushed for 42 minutes before delivery. After delivery I was exhausted, yet elated. I remember the first thing I said was “OMG, what a beautiful baby boy!” There were no problems with delivery, and I was in the hospital for four days. My son and his girlfriend stayed the entire time, and my girlfriend came to visit as well. I returned home slightly fatigued and the first few days postpartum were tiring. After only a few short weeks, I felt amazing! This was my first surrogacy journey and my overall experience with Stronger Together Surrogacy was great; I have immense love for Ashley and the team.

What advice do you have for future surrogates through the journey or at delivery time?

Embrace self-care and have open communication.

Birth Stories

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